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For decades, 本土学生面临着巨大的机会差距,这阻碍了他们的学业成就和发展轨迹. 为了缩小这些差距,土著教育合作组织得到了 National Comprehensive Center (NCC), directed by 趣赢平台 and funded by the U.S. Department of Education, developed Circles of Reflection: A Toolkit for SEA—a 3-part series of rich, 州教育机构之间的建设性讨论(sea), Tribal education departments, and local education agencies (LEAs).
Circles of Reflection, or Circles, 旨在帮助参与者反思本土学生的需求,并为他们的教育系统转型制定战略. 到目前为止,5个SEAs已经参与了这些会谈,并制定了90天的行动计划. 但它会产生什么影响,它能被用来改善其他得不到教育的学生的教育吗? Amy Bitterman, 他是韦斯特大学的高级研究员,也是该项目的联合负责人, answers these questions and more.
Q. 告诉我们关于反射圈工具包的情况,以及是什么促使了它的发展?
A. The Circles of Reflection toolkit is an interactive, 适应性强的资源,使教育领导者能够独立地促进圈子聚会. When we first developed Circles, it was a 50-page resource, posted on the NCC website as a PDF document. As we completed Circles with several SEAs, we decided to create a more user-friendly, easily accessible online toolkit.
Q. What’s in the toolkit?
A. 该工具包包含可定制的工作表和如何完成每个圆圈的分步说明. It also includes presentation slides, facilitation guides, 以及可修改的反思问题,聚焦于本土教育的关键领域:本土文化和语言, Tribal Consultation and Sovereignty, Effective Teachers and Leaders, College and Career Readiness, Physical and Behavioral Health, 识别和支持有前途的项目和实践.
Q. Why do the Circle gatherings and toolkit matter?
A. “反思圈”在确保州和地区一级改善土著学生教育的透明度和问责制的同时,也为部落在青年教育方面提供了发言权. 我们选择了说话圈的概念,因为这是一种交流的方式, a practice used by some Tribes, 允许参与者分享不同的声音和观点,并支持共识的建立.
Q. What is the hoped-for impact of the toolkit?
A. 对于想要与土著学生比例高的地区的部落建立关系的各级教育部门来说,Circles是一种有效的资源. 它是为数不多的资源之一,可以为各州提供必要的步骤,让部落教育领袖参与创造公正的教育, quality education for Native students.
Q. 反思圈如何改善本土学生的学习成绩?
A. 部落通过培养联系和加强社区和公民的纽带和支持,促进学生的整体教育进步. 通过“反思圈”开展的合作支持了部落的参与,并加强了教育机构之间的关系, resulting in better supports for Native students.
Q. 该工具包能否帮助SEAs为其他服务不足的学生提供更好的教育?
A. Yes, definitely. 该工具包提供了一种重要的机制,使这些学生的倡导者能够被倾听并被纳入决策过程. At the request of the Office of Indian Education, we also created a version to help Tribal Education Departments work with their districts and help those operating their own schools enhance their students’ educational experiences in collaboration with districts and the SEA; see the Circles of Reflection for the STEP Grant. 这种模式有可能适用于其他教育利益相关者群体.
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