
Playing a New Role, States Set Visions for Summer Learning

November 3, 2023

To counter pandemic-related learning loss, the U.S. 2021年3月,美国教育部(ED)呼吁各州教育机构(SEAs)和学区大规模提供高质量的K-12暑期学习项目. 虽然夏季节目编制传统上是在地方一级构思的, SEAs现在通过美国救援计划(ARP)在影响夏季计划方面发挥了作用。. ARP为SEAs提供了所需的资金,以便在学生强烈的学术和社会情感需求时期在全国范围内推出暑期课程.

How states tackled this challenge is revealed in A National Call to Action for Summer Learning: How Did States Respond? (PDF), 这是韦斯特国家暑期学习和充实研究计划发布的三份报告中的第二份。, funded by The Wallace Foundation. 该报告书是对50个州和华盛顿提交的ARP支出计划进行分析的结果, DC, 以及对在这一努力的第一线的教育领导人的采访. It describes how SEAs:

  • 在短时间内完成创建和实施高水平暑期学习项目的任务
  • Influenced district planning
  • Developed strategies to fortify their role in continuing such programs


Starting with the Vision

大多数州都在他们的州建立了暑期学习和充实计划的愿景, then used four policy levers to shape how it would be enacted. These included how funds were allocated to school districts, if and how partner organizations were engaged, how programs should be designed, and how they should be evaluated. How the states used these levers is described in the report.

Summer Learning Challenges

Implementing summer learning programs was not without challenges. The time frame was daunting, 因为一些SEAs只有8周的时间来计划2021年夏天的全州范围内的方法. Insufficient staffing was another obstacle to fulfilling program needs, and engaging partners for some states was a difficult enterprise. 尤其困难的是,必须克服长期以来认为暑期学习是一种惩罚性措施的看法.

 Lessons Learned

“我们学到的一个重要教训是,sea可以在夏季学习中发挥关键作用,” says John Hitchcock, PhD, 趣赢平台教育研究副主任,曾担任NSLES的首席研究员. “大多数sea在应对国家学习挑战时都表现出了这种能力, 他们可以迅速承担起新的角色和责任,并为完善的暑期学习计划做出贡献.”

Allison Crean Davis, PhD, a 趣赢平台 Vice President for Education Studies, who served as Project Director on the NSLES, explains that although this role for states was brand new in 2021, 许多人利用这个机会,根据学生的需求和社区的意见,为暑期学习设定了一个愿景.  持续的暑期学习机会是一个共同的重点, 在一段时间的大流行导致的隔离之后,学生和教师的社会情感学习的整合也是如此.   

Were the Programs Successful?

“In our national survey, 全国各地的地区领导告诉我们,他们的项目很成功,满足了学生的需求, 但需要更多的研究来支持这些说法,”希区柯克说. “

Crean Davis强调,当学生参加为期5到6周的课程,将每天至少3小时的学术学习与“夏令营式”的丰富机会结合起来时,暑期学习的影响是最大的, such as activities in the arts, sports, or outdoor adventuring. 在大流行后这一时刻,更好地理解高质量暑期课程与学生福利之间的联系,必须成为未来的优先事项.”

Can Summer Learning Become a Staple of Education?

“Summer learning should be a staple of education,” says Crean Davis, ,特别是对弱势学生来说,他们可以从额外的学习和充实机会中获益最多. But with ARP funds winding down, it’s important for states to determine what worked, who benefited most, and how they can sustain the momentum. This might mean leveraging partners in new ways, 为设计高质量的暑期项目提供更多的指导和支持, 并优先考虑如何帮助地区员工和发展这些计划?

希区柯克补充说:“我们需要把暑假看作是丰富学生学习的机会,这是教育的重要组成部分,也给学生提供了拓展思维的机会, explore career pathways, and enjoy new experiences without the pressure of tests.”

趣赢平台’s first report on the NSLES, 全国暑期学习行动呼吁:学区如何回应? (PDF), published in December 2022, focused on the districts’ role in establishing summer learning programs. The 3rd report to be published in late 2023, National Call to Action for Summer Learning, Final Report, will present findings from the overall study.


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